IntroductionRequirements for efficient new-generation electronic systems in data and telecommunication industries are pushing the semiconductor technologies to their limits. In the near future, current semiconductor technologies will not always be able to provide efficient solutions for the (now Northrop Grumman, CA) and a GHz packet switch [9] by NEC, Japan for high-speed networks.As the complexity of the circuits is increasing, the realization of the design becomes a difficult task. Although extended research is going on in making complex circuits and scaling down the minimum sizes, very little or no information is available in the literature on the methodology for defect analysis for superconductor electronics. The yield levels are currently much lower than in the semiconductor industry. This is due to the fact that while much research has been carried out with respect to the defects in semiconductor manufacturing processes [lo], little information is available on superconductor processes.In semiconductor microelectronics, special test structures have been developed and realized along with the functional integrated circuits. The information gathered using these test structures are used for yield analysis and defect-oriented testing [ 111. Fault models have been developed after studying the behaviour of the test structures. These fault models are subsequently used for ATPG and fault simulation of the circuit. In this way, the