The cover photo shows rabbitbrush on the Hanford Site with the White Bluffs along the Columbia River in the background. The photo is from Lockheed Martin Information Technology, Richland, Washington. The cover design is by SB Neely, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.This document was printed on recycled paper.
PrefaceThe Hanford Site environmental report is prepared annually for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in accordance with the requirements in DOE Manual 231.1-1A, "Environment, Safety, and Health Reporting Manual," and DOE Order 231.1A, "Environment, Safety, and Health Reporting." The report provides an overview of activities at the site; demonstrates the status of the site's compliance with applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations, executive orders, and DOE policies and directives; and summarizes environmental data that characterize Hanford Site environmental management performance. The report also highlights significant environmental and public protection programs and efforts. Some historical and early 2007 information is included where appropriate. More detailed environmental compliance, monitoring, and surveillance information is provided in additional reports referenced in the text.Although this report was primarily written to meet DOE reporting requirements and guidelines, it is also intended to provide a broad spectrum of environmental and environmentally related information to DOE managers, the public, Indian tribes, public officials, regulatory agencies, Hanford Site contractors, and elected representatives. Appendix A lists scientific notation, units of measure, unit conversion information, and nomenclature that may help readers understand the report. Appendix B is a glossary of terms.
Report AvailabilityThis report was produced in both paper and electronic formats. The paper formats include this technical report, two supplemental data appendixes, and a less-detailed summary report (PNNL-16623-SUM). Electronically, the report is available in portable document format (PDF) on compact disk and at the following website: Report copies are also available at libraries in communities near the Hanford Site, at several university libraries in Washington and Oregon, and at the DOE's Public Reading Room located at the Consolidated Information Center in Richland, Washington. All versions of the report can be obtained from R. W. (Bill) Hanf, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, MS Richland, Washington, 99352 ( while supplies last.
Summary R. W. HanfEach year, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) publishes this integrated environmental report about the Hanford Site. Individual sections of the report are designed to:• Describe the Hanford Site and its mission• Summarize the Hanford Site's compliance with all applicable laws and regulations• Discuss the status and results of Hanford Site cleanup and remediation activities• Describe the environmental and groundwater...