SummaryA method was developed for the measurement of the binding of ~I~I]Scu-dihydrotestosterone, rI%]DHT and other steroids at equilibrium with intracellular androgen receptor of genital skin fibroblasts. This method utilized 0.2 M Na2Mo04 to stabilize the receptor and Sephadex G-25 chromatography to eiiminate steroid metabolism. This binding protein showed the expected limited capacity, high affinity, and specificity of an androgen receptor.Using this method, penile skin cultures from 26 infants with simple hypospadias (HS) were compared with 18 controls. The I"HJDI~1T binding capacity (B,,,) was 10.1 IC-1.3 (IC-SE) fmol/mg protein for controls and 6.1 2 1.7 for HS. The two populations were significantly different by Mann-\Vhitney test (P < 0.001).Equilibrium dissociation constant was similar for both groups. Surprisingly, there was no correlation between B,,, and the severity of the anatomic defect. B,,, was below the values seen in HS for two of three infants with male pseudohermaphroditism. In complete androgen insensitivity, DHT binding was unmeasurable.A subgroup exists in H S with an abnormality of intracellular androgen receptors. The lack of correlation between severity of hypospadias and B,,, suggests that additional factors, such as differences in physicochemical properties of the receptor or factors present in utero, contribute to the development of HS.
HS, simple hypospadiasHS. defined as incomplete filsion of the penile urethra without a urogenital sinus, is one of the more common birth defects. The overall incidence is estimated to be from one to eight per thousand live births (8. 10) whereas the more severe forms. with midshaft or perineal urethral orifices, have incidences reported as high as 0.2% (8). Furthermore. there appears to be a high familial incidence of HS, ranging from 20-30% in different series (4,9,22). In a recent survey of subjects with more severe anatomical defects, those with the genital configuration pseudovaginal perineoscrotal HS, familial defects in testicular steroidogenesis and in parameters of end organ responsiveness to androgens, Sty-reductase and cytosol androgen receptor, were seen (1 6). It appears likely that familial defects in the above parameters might occur in simple HS as well. The present study was designed to assess one of those parameters, the fibroblast androgen receptor, as a possible etiologic factor.
MATERIALS AND METHODSSil0;ecr.s 01' rllr .s/ud~,. The experimental subjects, 26 infants and children with simple HS, were ages 1 1 1/12 to 16 8/12 yr with a median age of 2 11/12 yr. They were admitted to Texas Children's Hospital for evaluation and initial surgical repair of their defect. They were all in good health and were considered to have normal growth and development. No associated anomalies were detected on physical examination. Cryptorchidism was not present in any of the subjects.The HS subjects were classified roughly according to the severity of their defects. In group I (n = 7) the urethral orifice was coronal or within 1 cm of t...