Purpose: This study was designed to construct a predictive model to explain quality of life of stomach cancer patients with gastrectomy. Methods: Data were collected from July 10 to August 30, 2013 through survey using self-reported questionnaires. A total of 218 patients with gastrectomy was recruited from three different hospitals. Outcome variables were exogenous ones (self efficacy and social support) and endogenous ones (depression, perceived health status, self care behavior, and quality of life). Results: Goodness-of-fit of the hypothetical model was x 2 =143.37, RMSEA=.07 CFI=.95, TLI=.93 SRMR=.05. Self care behavior, depression and perceived health status had significant direct effects on quality of life. Self efficacy and social support were affected quality of life indirectly. These variables explained 67.9% of total variance of quality of life, and self-care behavior was the most influential factor for quality of life. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggested that self care behavior must be considered as an intervention strategy to improve quality of life. Also a development of a specific intervention program to promote self efficacy and control depression for patients with gastrectomy is essential to facilitate their self care behaviors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc/3.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.