In order to reveal the mechanism of Category II rotor-body-slung-load coupled oscillation (RBSLCO) with the frequency range of 2.5~8 Hz, a novel nonlinear rigid-elastic coupled model is presented for the helicopter and slung load system (HSLS) with explicit formulation. The slung load system model is coupled with the current rigid-elastic coupled helicopter model, considering fuselage hook point rigid-elastic coupled movements, cable stretching, and hook point force from the slung load system. The results show that carrying the heaviest load is the vital state for Category II RBSLCO. As slung load mass ratio increases, rotor-fuselage coupling becomes stronger and the oscillation frequency shifts slightly, causing a maximum of 15% reduction in stability margin. In addition, even when the load is lightweight, another form of Category II RBSLCO may appear involving fuselage bending and cable stretching. This Category II RBSLCO behaves like the vertical bouncing but is divided into a high-frequency anti-phase oscillation and a relatively low-frequency in-phase oscillation.