2 − 3σ) is the Ω m − σ 8 tension between the CMB Planck data and the growth of density perturbations data (RSD and WL) [5][6][7][8][9]. The CMB data favor higher values of the matter density parameter Ω m and the matter fluctuations amplitude σ 8 than the data that probe directly the gravitational interaction (RSD and WL).A key question therefore arises: Are these tensions an early hint of new physics beyond the standard model or are they a result of systematic/statistical fluctuations in the data?Completed, ongoing and future CMB experiments and large scale structure surveys aim at testing the standard ΛCDM model and addressing the above question. These surveys are classified in four stages. Stages I and II correspond to completed surveys and CMB experiments, while stages III and IV correspond to ongoing and future projects respectively. For example stage II CMB experiments include WMAP [10], Planck [2, 3], ACTPol [11] and SPT-Pol [12], while stage III CMB experiments include AdvACT [13] and SPT-3G [14]. Future stage IV CMB probes on the ground[15] and in space such as Lite-BIRD [16, 17] mainly aim to measure CMB lensing and the CMB-B modes in detail.A large amount of high-quality data is expected in the coming years from large scale structure surveys (see Table I). Stage III large scale structure surveys include the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey [18], the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) [8,9], the extended arXiv:1812.05356v2 [astro-ph.CO]