This is a supplementary material to the corresponding paper submitted to the Journal of Applied Statistics. It contains the regularity conditions, the proofs of Theorems 2.1-2.2 and Theorem 2.5, and R codes for sample size calculations.
Regularity conditionsFor smooth reading, we list the regularity conditions of the main paper in the following. In the proofs, the expectation are taken under the distribution f (x; µ 0 , σ 0 ). B0. (IID condition) In the model (1), the first sample x 11 , . . . , x n1 are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), and the second sample x 21 , . . . , x n2 are i.i.d., and the two samples are independent. B1. (Wald's integrability conditions) (i) E{| log f (x; 0, 1)|} < ∞; (ii) lim x→∞ f (x; 0, 1) = 0. B2. (Smoothness) The support of f (x; µ, σ) is (−∞, ∞), and it is three times continuously differentiable with respect to µ and σ. B3. (Identifiability) For any two mixing distribution functions Ψ 1 and Ψ 2 with two supporting points such that f (x; µ, σ) dΨ 1 (µ, σ) = f (x; µ, σ) dΨ 2 (µ, σ) for all x, we must have Ψ 1 = Ψ 2 . B4. (Uniform boundedness) There exists a function g with finite expectation such thatwhere h and l are two nonnegative integers. Moreover, there exists a positive