It has been recently proposed that the observed grouping of either the perihelia and the orbital planes of some observed distant Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) can be explained by the shepherding influence of a remote (150 au q X 350 au), still unseen massive object PX having planetary size (5 m ⊕ m X 20 m ⊕ ) and moving along an ecliptically inclined (22 deg I X 40 deg), eccentric (380 au a X 980 au) Heliocentric bound orbit located in space at 80 deg Ω X 120 deg and which is anti-aligned (120 deg ω X 160 deg) with those of the considered KBOs. The trajectory of Saturn is nowadays known at essentially the same accuracy level of the inner planets due to the telemetry of the Cassini spacecraft. Thus, the expected per-turbations̟,Ω due to PX on the Kronian apsidal and draconitic orbital motions are theoretically investigated to tentatively constrain the configuration space of PX itself. To this aim, we compare our predictions̟ theo ,Ω theo to the currently available experimental intervals of values ∆Ω obs , ∆̟ obs determined by astronomers in the recent past without explicitly modeling and solving for PX itself. As such, our results, despite being plausible and in agreement to a large extent with other constraints released in the literature, should be regarded as proof-of-principle investigations aimed to encourage more accurate analyses in future. It turns out that the admissible region in its configuration space is moderately narrow as far as its position along its orbit, reckoned by the true anomaly f X , is concerned, being concentrated around approximately 130 deg f X 240 deg. PX is certainly far from its perihelion ( f X = 0 deg), in agreement with other recent studies. The future analysis of the data from the ongoing New Horizons mission might be helpful in further constraining the scenario considered here for PX. Its impact on the spaceraft's range over a multi-year span is investigated with a preliminary sensitivity analysis.