The dynamics of iterates at the transition to chaos in one-dimensional unimodal maps is shown to exhibit the characteristic elements of the glass transition, e.g. two-step relaxation and aging. The properties of the bifurcation gap induced by external noise, including a relationship between relaxation time and entropy, are seen to be comparable to those of a supercooled liquid above a glass transition temperature. Universal time evolution obtained from the Feigenbaum RG transformation is expressed analytically via q-exponentials, and interpreted in terms of nonextensive statistics.While at present the phenomenology of glass formation is in a well-documented advanced stage [1] the subject remains a prevailing and major theoretical challenge in condensed matter physics. In experiments and numerical simulations the transition of a liquid into a glass manifests itself as a dramatic dynamical slowing down where the characteristic structural relaxation time changes by many orders of magnitude in a relatively small space of temperatures. Associated to this process, atypical connections develop between dynamical and thermodynamic properties, such as the so-called Adam-Gibbs relationship between structural relaxation times and configurational entropy [1]. These poorly understood connections pose very intriguing questions that suggest deep-lying, hence generic, physical circumstances which may manifest themselves in completely different classes of systems and therefore are capable of leading to novel but universal laws. Here we make a case for this premise by exhibiting that glassy behavior is in point of fact present in prototypical nonlinear maps close to the onset of chaos. There are clear indications that standard phase-space mixing is not entirely fulfilled during glass forming dynamics, i.e. upon cooling, caged molecules rearrange so slowly that they cannot sample configurations in the available time allowed by the process [1] [2]. Naturally, the question arises as to whether under conditions of ergodicity malfunction, and, as a final point, downright failure, the Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics is still capable of describing stationary states on the point of glass formation or those representing the glass itself. The aim of this letter is to make evident that the essential elements of glassy behavior are all actually present within the neighborhood of the chaos transition in simple nonlinear dissipative maps. By showing this hitherto unidentified association we put forward a minimal model for glass dynamics that endorses the idea of universality in this phenomenon, and at the same time provides the rare opportunity for detailed examination of properties, such as the connection between dynamics and statics and the departure from BG statistics.A distinctive feature of supercooled liquids on approach to glass formation is the development of a twostep process of relaxation, as displayed by the time evolution of correlations e.g. the intermediate scattering function. This consists of time t power-law decays t...