The domain of validity of the Coulomb-Corrected Strong Field Approximation (CCSFA) is going to be analyzed in relation to the semi-classical dynamics of electrons during ionization of hydrogen-like targets. Our analysis is limited to ionization driven by Ti-sapphire laser pulses with intensities up to roughly 10 14 Wcm −2 . For such parameters, the effects related to radiation pressure are small and the laser field can be described in the dipole approximation. By applying the Magnus expansion for the exact retarded electron propagator we obtain an effective action which is free of Coulomb singularities and branch points when the complex-time trajectories are used. Furthermore, we show that the classical action is exactly recovered as the asymptotic limit of its effective counterpart. The applicability of such limit is also discussed. Recent developments in this field have led to the creation of new branch of modern science, the attophysics [1, 2]. One of the most prominent tools in the SFP, the Strong-Field Approximation (SFA) in photoionization, was originally introduced by Keldysh [3] in the length gauge and further developed by Faisal [4] and Reiss [5] for other forms of the Schrödinger equation (i.e., in the Kramers-Henneberger frame [6,7] or in the velocity gauge, respectively). The common feature of those approaches is the approximation of the exact scattering state of the photoelectron by the Volkov solution [8,9]. Subsequently, such approximation has been extended to treat the non-relativistic laser-assisted scattering processes [10] and its relativistic counterpart [11], where the relativistic form of the Volkov solution [12-14] is fully exploited.Since the SFA does not offer a proper explanation of various experimental results, it requires further developments. For instance, an attempt to incorporate the interaction of photoelectrons with the parent ion by means of the Coulomb-Volkov state was undertaken in [15][16][17]. This procedure was successfully applied to the analysis of ionization driven by elliptically polarized laser fields [18]. (Note that similar investigations were recently presented for bi-circular laser fields [19].) Further generalizations, which fully account for the low-frequency approximation, were considered in Refs.[20] and [21] for the scattering and ionization processes, respectively. This approach, called the Coulomb-Volkov Strong-Field Approximation (CVSFA), was recently generalized in [22] by incorporating the density functional theory for the initial bound state of many-electron atoms, or in [23] by applying the parabolic quasi-Sturmian-Floquet approach. Also, the scattering states in the highfrequency approximation were explored [24,25]. An alternative approach to the CVSFA, which we call the Born-Series Strong-Field Approximation (BSSFA), is to apply the Born expansion to the final electron scattering state in both the binding potential and the laser field. Here, the first two terms of the Born series were successfully used in studies of the re-scattering process in ionizat...