Quantum Mechanics is a pillar of modern physics, confirmed by a huge amount of experiments.Nevertheless, it presents many unintuitive properties, strongly differing from classical mechanics due to its intrinsic non-epistemic probabilistic nature. Many attempts have been devoted to build a deterministic theory reproducing all the results of Standard Quantum Mechanics (SQM), but where probabilities are epistemic, namely due to our ignorance of some hidden variables. These theories can be local or non-local. The formers are substantially excluded by Bell inequalities experiments [1,3]. The latter include the de Broglie -Bohm (dBB) one [1,8], the most successful attempt in this sense. DBB theory is built in order to reproduce almost all SQM predictions.However, it has recently been shown [4,5,6] that different coincidence patterns are predicted by SQM and dBB when a double slit experiment is realised under specific conditions, in particular no coincidence is expected when the two photodetectors are in the same semiplane respect to the median symmetry axis of the double slit. In this letter we present the first realisation of such a double slit experiment with correlated photons produced in type I parametric down conversion.We observe a perfect agreement with SQM prediction and a coincidence peak almost 8 standard deviations above zero, when the two photodetectors are well inside the same semiplane: Thus our results confirm Standard Quantum Mechanics contradicting dBB predictions.PACS numbers: 03.65.Ta * Electronic address: genovese@ien.it; URL: http://www.ien.it/~genovese/marco.html † Dedicated to the memory of our beloved friend and collaborator Carlo Novero.