In this paper we outline the present status of the design studies for the high luminosity LHC, focusing on the choice of the aperture of the inner triplet quadrupoles. After reviewing some critical aspects of the design as energy deposition, shielding, heat load and protection, we present the main tentative parameters for building a 150 mm aperture Nb 3 Sn quadrupole, based on the experience gathered by the LARP program in the past several years.Presented at the Applied Superconductivity Conference 2012 (ASC 2012) 7-12 October 2012, Portland, OregonGeneva, Switzerland
CERN-ATS-2013-018January 2013 > REPLACE THESE LINES WITH YOUR PAPER ID NUMBER, E.G., AB-02 (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE) < Abstract-In this paper we outline the present status of the design studies for the high luminosity LHC, focusing on the choice of the aperture of the inner triplet quadrupoles. After reviewing some critical aspects of the design as energy deposition, shielding, heat load and protection, we present the main tentative parameters for building a 150 mm aperture Nb 3 Sn quadrupole, based on the experience gathered by the LARP program in the past several years.