thing, gave me suggestions and advice, or opened their laboratories to me, and of course, people who are also friends and who made this journey easier. I hope I have not missed anyone here.As of now, thanks so much to you all.Firstly, I want to thank God and my family (my parents Cicero and Ivanilda, and my sister Soraia) for the immeasurable support. The certainty I have of you being there is by itself a comfort. I was always encouraged that education is a powerful tool, and no one can take it from me.My academic path would have been neither enjoyable nor successful if I did not have an advisor who is not just a scientific example, but also a friend. So, special thanks to Professor Dr Sonia Tatumi, whom I have known for more than eight years now, and who has an experience that she is always willing to pass on. Thank you for your endless patience, the wise advice, the incentive by saying "vai dar certo!" when I might have thought something would not work, and for pushing me forward to get the best.Vielen Dank Dr Clemens Woda, for kindly hosting me at the Institute of Radiation Medicine of the Helmholtz Zentrum München for one year. Your expertise enriched this work. An extended acknowledgement to the other researchers of the group in Munich, Dr Markus, Dr Janine, and Dr Kaiser. Moreover, a special thanks to Alessia Mafodda and Elif Kara, for their friendship.Thanks to Laurence Taylor, my partner, for your company and confidence in me, even in the harsh moments. Your support motivates me to seek the best.To the people from the laboratory of dosimetry and dating (LDD) of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), where I started to understand what it means to do research.