Quark masses are of great prominence in high-energy physics. In this paper, we have studied the heavy meson systems via solving the Lippmann-Schwinger equation by using the Martin potential for heavy quark masses. We have also attempted to use Martin potential to find an acceptable mass spectrum for heavy quarkonia. We obtained this spectrum via minimal phenomenological model (Melles in Phys. Rev. D. 62:074019, 2000).The mass spectra for bb and cc are calculated without taking into account the relativistic corrections and spin-dependent effects. The obtained mass spectra turn out to fit the experimental findings. By using the conventional spectrum, we extract the pole mass of heavy quarks and use it along with the relation between MS mass (modified minimal subtraction scheme) and the on-shell quark mass to find MS mass for these quarks. The obtained results for MS mass are in good agreement with corresponding values reported in the literature.