The identification of topological superconductors usually involves searching for in-gap modes that are protected by topology. However, in current experimental settings, the smoking-gun evidence of these in-gap modes is still lacking. In this Letter, we propose to support the distinction between two-dimensional conventional s-wave and topological p-wave superconductors by above-gap transport signatures. Our method utilizes the emergence of Tomasch oscillations of quasiparticles in a junction consisting of a superconductor sandwiched between two metallic leads. We demonstrate that the behavior of the oscillations in conductance as a function of the interface barriers provides a distinctive signature for s-wave and p-wave superconductors. Specifically, the oscillations become weaker as the barrier strength increases in s-wave superconductors, while they become more pronounced in p-wave superconductors, which we prove to be a direct manifestation of the pairing symmetries. Our method can serve as a complimentary probe for identifying some classes of topological superconductors through the above-gap transport.
Published by the American Physical Society