For a bivariate time series ((X i , Y i )) i=1,...,n we want to detect whether the correlation between X i and Y i stays constant for all i = 1, . . . , n. We propose a nonparametric change-point test statistic based on Kendall's tau. The asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of no change follows from a new U -statistic invariance principle for dependent processes. Assuming a single change-point, we show that the location of the change-point is consistently estimated. Kendall's tau possesses a high efficiency at the normal distribution, as compared to the normal maximum likelihood estimator, Pearson's moment correlation. Contrary to Pearson's correlation coefficient, it shows no loss in efficiency at heavy-tailed distributions, and is therefore particularly suited for financial data, where heavy tails are common. We assume the data ((X i , Y i )) i=1,...,n to be stationary and P -near epoch dependent on an absolutely regular process. The P -near epoch dependence condition constitutes a generalization of the usually considered L p -near epoch dependence allowing for arbitrarily heavy-tailed data. We investigate the test numerically, compare it to previous proposals, and illustrate its application with two real-life data examples.Keywords: Change-point analysis, Kendall's tau, U -statistic, functional limit theorem, near epoch dependence in probability the association of financial price processes and, within reasonable time frames, re-estimate the correlation parameters. Particularly, in times of global financial crises, the price processes of most financial assets tend to be highly dependent, united in their common downward trend, causing the hedging powers of investment diversification to cease -an effect for which the term diversification meltdown has been coined. The problem of detecting changes in the distribution of sequential observations has a long history in statistics, see e.g. Csörgő and Horváth (1997). However, particularly detecting changes in the dependence structure of multivariate time series has attracted the focus of statistical research only recently. Examples for such detection procedures are Loretan and Phillips (1994), who test for covariance stationarity of a possibly heavy-tailed time series, Giacomini, Härdle, and Spokoiny (2009), who consider tests for homogeneity of time-varying copulae, Aue, Hörmann, Horváth, and Reimherr (2009), who propose a test for a constant covariance matrix, and Wied, Krämer, and Dehling (2012), who suggest a change-point test for correlations between two random variables based on Pearson's correlation coefficient. With this paper, we want to contribute to the literature by proposing a new test for constant Kendall's tau that can be applied to dependent series. We recommend to use the rank correlation measure Kendall's tau instead of Pearson's correlation coefficient because it is almost as efficient as the moment correlation at normality, but is significantly more efficient at heavytailed distributions. For details see Section 5. This issue is very im...