We refine our recent analysis of the electroweak precision data at the Z 0 pole by including the hadronic decay modes of the Z 0 . Within the framework of an effective Lagrangian we parametrize SU(2) violation by the additional process-specific parameters ∆y ν , ∆y h , and ∆y b (for the Z 0 νν, Z 0 qq, and Z 0 bb vertices) together with the previously introduced parameters ∆x, ∆y, and ε. We find that a six-parameter analysis of the experimental data is indeed feasible, and it is carried out in addition to a four-parameter fit for ∆x, ∆y, ε, and ∆y b only. We reemphasize that the experimental data have become sensitive to the (combined) magnitude of the vertex corrections at the W + lν (W − νl) and Z 0 ll vertices, ∆y, which is insensitive to the notion of the Higgs mechanism but dependent on the non-Abelian, trilinear vector-boson coupling. Full explicit analytical results for the standard one-loop predictions for the above-mentioned parameters are given, and the leading two-loop top-quark effects are included. The analytic formluae for the analysis of the experimental data in terms of the parameters ∆x, ∆y etc. are presented in order to encourage experimentalists to persue such an analysis by themselves with future data.