With new imaging technologies and fluorescent probes, live imaging of cells in vitro has revolutionized many aspects of cell biology. A key goal now is to develop systems to optimize in vitro imaging, which do not compromise the physiological relevance of the study. We have developed a methodology that contains non-adherent cells within the field of view. 'Cell paddocks' are created by generating an array of microgrids using polydimethylsiloxane. Each microgrid is up to 250Â250 lm 2 with a height of 60 lm. Overlayed cells settle into the grids and the walls restrict their lateral movement, but a contiguous supply of medium between neighboring microgrids facilitates the exchange of cytokines and growth factors. This allows culture over at least 6 days with no impact upon viability and proliferation. Adaptations of the microgrids have enabled imaging and tracking of lymphocyte division through multiple generations of long-term interactions between T lymphocytes and dendritic cells, and of thymocytestromal cell interactions. Live imaging has enabled huge progress in understanding the molecular activities underlying cellular processes, most notably activities such as migration 1 and cell-cell communication. 2 Many of our advances have related to cells such as fibroblasts, neuronal and epithelial cells, whose relatively large size, slow movement and tendency to arrange as monolayers make them amenable to longterm imaging. Lymphocytes, however, provide challenges for live imaging that have restricted studies in some aspects of lymphocyte biology to date. In particular, lymphocytes (mature T and B cells and thymocytes or T-cell precursors) migrate rapidly (up to 25 mm min À1 ) (Beltman et al. 3 ) and are likely to leave the field of view during highresolution imaging over more than a few minutes. In addition, T cells tend to undergo homotypic interactions in vitro, forming large clumps that complicate image analysis. 4 Diluting the cells (for instance, single cell cultures in Terasaki wells) is used to overcome clumping and facilitate tracking of individual cells, but does not facilitate highresolution imaging, and is often problematic because of the dependence of many cells on autocrine signals that cannot be maintained at low dilutions.T cells are activated by the presentation of antigen by professional antigen-presenting cells. This process involves morphological rearrangements including the formation of a structure at the interface between the two cells referred to as the immunological synapse. 5 In vivo imaging of T-cell activation has revealed that T cells can remain in contact with antigen-presenting cells for hours, 6 and can still interact at the point of cell division more than 20 h after activation. 7,8 With recent observations that T cells can undergo asymmetric cell division to dictate cell fate, 9 there is strong incentive to develop new approaches to in vitro imaging of T-cell interactions with dendritic cells over hours and even days. Many studies observing antigen presentation have overcome the proble...