Tunneling of the spins in the Fe8 molecular magnet from a metastable ground state to an excited state is accompanied by a decay of these spins to the global ground state, and an increase of the crystal temperature. We measured this temperature using two thermometers, one strongly coupled and the other weakly coupled to the thermal bath. We found that the temperature increases to no greater than 2.2 K. This upper limit agrees with the flame temperature derived from deflagration theory and previous measurements. In light of this temperature increase we re-examine the Landau, Zener and Stuckelberg (LZS) theory of spin tunneling in large Fe8 crystals.The Fe 8 single molecular magnet is an exciting system to study since its dynamics are fully quantum mechanical below a temperature of 400 mK1 . This molecule has a spin of S = 10, and accounting for the crystal-field together with the spin-orbit interaction, it is governed by the spin Hamiltonian 2 :where the dominating S 2 z term with D = −0.295 K gives rise to an anisotropy barrier [3][4][5] . The H ⊥ term is responsible for the mixing of spin states and tunneling between them. The Zeeman term removes the degeneracy between S z = ±m and allows the spins of all molecules to align at sufficiently low temperatures. Upon sweeping of the magnetic field from H 0 to −H 0 , the samples magnetization versus field curve exhibits a staircase hysteresis loop 6 . This is attributed to quantum tunneling between magnetization states, which is only allowed for discrete 'matching fields' corresponding to level crossings 7-10 . The matching fields for transitions between the states m to m are given by:where n = m + m 7 . Due to H ⊥ the level crossing is in fact an avoided crossing with a tunnel splitting ∆ mm between the m and m levels. According to the Landau, Zener and Stuckelberg [LZS] solution 11-13 of the time dependent Schrödinger equation for a multistate system, the probability for transition between two states, when the external field is in the vicinity of a matching field is given by:where for an isolated spin However, upon sweeping the field at low temperatures, the transitions occur between a metastable spin state (say m = −10), and either a ground state (m = 10) or an excited state (e.g. m = 9). We name these transitions according to their n value. For n ≥ 1 these transitions are accompanied by a decay to the stable ground state (e.g. 9 → 10), leading to an energy release and a temperature increase. According to the spin Hamiltonian, the lowest energy difference between a metastable state and the ground state is approximately 5 K. Therefore, the decay should lead to substantial heating of the crystal and affect the transition rates. In these circumstances the LZS formula will not be applicable for all transitions other then n = 0, namely ±10 to ∓10. Therefore, to properly account for the tunneling probability of general molecular magnets embedded in a crystal and Fe 8 in particular, it is essential to determine how hot the crystal gets after a tunneling event that is foll...