We investigate inflation and its scalar perturbation driven by a massive scalar field in the unimodular theory of gravity. We introduce a parameter ξ with which the theory is invariant under general unimodular coordinate transformations. When the unimodular parameter is ξ = 6, the classical picture of inflation is reproduced in the unimodular theory because it recovers the background equations of the standard theory of general relativity. We show that for ξ = 6, the theory is equivalent to the standard theory of general relativity at the perturbation level. Unimodular gravity constrains the gauge degree of freedom in the scalar perturbation, but the perturbation equations are similar to those in general relativity. For ξ = 6, we derive the power spectrum and the spectral index, and obtain the unimodular correction to the tensorto-scalar ratio. Depending on the value of ξ, the correction can either raise or lower the value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio.
IntroductionThe de Sitter expansion in the period of inflation, provides a solution to the flatness problem, the horizon problem, the entropy problem etc [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The inflationary model also explains the structure formation of the Universe by considering the perturbations which are generated in the period of inflation. Not only for the period of inflation in the early universe, the role of the exponential expansion of the Universe is important in the current era of the accelerating universe [10,11]. There are many theories which describe the current accelerating universe such as DGP model, f (R)-gravity and scalar field models, etc. The scalar field model is one of the simplest model. The cosmological constant is also one of the explanation for the current acceleration of the Universe. However, adding the cosmological constant term, the theory suffers from the fine tuning problem.The unimodular theory of gravity was initially developed in Refs. [12,13]. One of the motivations of considering the unimodular theory of gravity is to solve the cosmological constant problem [14]. Another interesting implication is that it explains the current expansion of the Universe by considering only single component such as the cosmological constant, or by the nonrelativistic matter [15,16]. The full metric is decomposed in the unimodular metric and a scalar field [15,16]. The value of the determinant of the unimodular metric is the same as the determinant of the Minkowski metric. The basic idea of the unimodular theory of gravity is to consider the determinant of metric not as a dynamical variable [14,[17][18][19], and hence the cosmological constant term is absent from the action. However, it was shown in Ref. [14] that the cosmological constant appears as an integration constant in this theory. Some progress in the unimodular theory of gravity has been discussed in Refs. [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. In the case of the unimodular theory we have the unimodular constraint equation, and hence it reduces the gauge...