Abstract. We obtain stringent bounds in the r 2 Kπ S -c plane where these are the scalar radius and the curvature parameters of the scalar Kπ form factor, respectively, using analyticity and dispersion relation constraints, the knowledge of the form factor from the well-known Callan-Treiman point m The scalar Kπ form factor f 0 (t), where t is the square of the momentum transfer, is of fundamental importance in semi-leptonic decays of the kaon and has been studied in great detail, see, e.g.[1] for a recent review. In chiral perturbation theory it was computed to one-loop accuracy in ref.[2] and to two-loop accuracy in refs. [3,4]. It has a branch cut starting at the threshold t + = (m K + m π ) 2 and is analytic elsewhere in the complex plane. The scalar radius r 2 Kπ S and the curvature parameter c arise in the expansionwhere discussions, see refs. [8,9]; note that in this work we are in the isospin conserving limit). These involve coupling constants C r 12 and C r 34 for which there are estimates in the literature [4,10], and whose consequences have been discussed at length in a recent paper [11]. A soft-kaon analogue fixes its value at tree level at m 2 π −m 2 K (which we will refer to as the second CT point) to be F π /F K [12]. The one-loop correction,Δ NLO CT , increases the value by 0.03 [2]. The rather small size of this correction may be traced to the fact that it is parameter free at this level. The corresponding correction at two-loop level has been estimated, which gives the estimate −0.035 <Δ NNLO CT < 0.11 [11]. One of the important findings in our work is that this correction can actually be estimated using analyticity methods and substantially restricts the range above, while remaining consistent with it.Bourrely and Caprini (BC) [13] consider certain dispersion relations for observables denoted by Ψ (Q 2 ) and (Ψ (Q 2 )/Q 2 ) + Ψ (0)/Q 4 (which we will name O 1 and O 2 , respectively) involving the square of the form factor. Employing the information at the first CT point and phase of the form factor along the cut they obtained bounds on the scalar radius and curvature parameters. (For an accessible introduction to the methods involved, see ref. [14].) Our work inspired by BC, will use the information at both the CT points to constrain the expansion coefficients using the same observables, but will not include the phase information. We will find that in order to accomodate well-known