The earliest record of tetanus is in Edwin Smith Surgical Papyurs, supposed to be dated 19 th Century B.C. Hippocrates in 460 B.C. described the poor prognosis of this disease. Sushruta named the disease as 'dhanushtambha'. In the clinical picture, he described the lockjaw as paralysis of jaw bone and opisthotonus as 'bahirayamma'. Charak observed that it was due to provoked wind drying up the external nerves of the back and the nape of' the neck. He further recorded that either the disease killed the patient or caused deformity. Greek physician Aretaeus in first century A.D. mentioned it as "An inhuman calamity, an unseemly sight, a spectacle painful even to behold".Sir Charles reported a case of tetanus in London. Pollack from Dalin reported a similar case. Bose gave first comprehensive description of the disease. Nicoliers produced tetanus by injecting animals with garden soil. His subsequent description of the bacillus obtained from ABSTRACT Background: The treatment of tetanus has evolved from supportive management only to specific treatment to neutralize the tetanus toxinstetanospasmin & tetanolysin. Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin (HTIg) is a large molecule and cannot cross the blood brain barrier. Introduction of intrathecal therapy considerably decreased mortality in the disease. Combined administration of intramuscular and intrathecal HTIg should neutralize the tetanus toxins in the circulation and central nervous system simultaneously. The study was done to detect beneficial effects of adding intramuscular HTIg to the intrathecal therapy. Methods: 125 patients of tetanus were randomized to two groups. Study group was given intrathecal plus intramuscular HTIg while control group was given intrathecal HTIg alone. Each group was subdivided into three grades according to severity. Mortality rate and three sequential recovery parameters i.e. duration of spasms, shift to oral therapy and duration of hospital stay were measured. Results: No significant difference in mortality was found. However, in patients who survived, the addition of intramuscular HTIg lead to a benefit of 2.07, 2.67 & 2.31 days in mild, moderate & severe grades respectively in the duration of spasms. Further, it became possible to start oral therapy 2.13, 1.6 & 1.8 days earlier in mild, moderate & severe tetanus. Duration of hospital stay was reduced by 3.87 days, 2.36 days and 3 days in mild, moderate and severe tetanus respectively. Conclusions: Though the addition of intramuscular HTIg to intrathecal therapy in tetanus does not confer any survival benefit, it causes faster recovery in patients who survive.