CTnDOT is a conjugative transposon (CTn) that is found in many Bacteroides strains. Transfer of CTnDOT is stimulated 100-to 1,000-fold if the cells are first exposed to tetracycline (TET). Both excision and transfer of CTnDOT are stimulated by TET. An operon that contains a TET resistance gene, tetQ, and two regulatory genes, rteA and rteB, is essential for control of excision and transfer functions. At first, it appeared that RteA and RteB, which are members of a two-component regulatory system, might be directly responsible for the TET effect. We show here, however, that neither RteA nor RteB affected expression of the operon. TetQ, a ribosome protection type of TET resistance protein, actually reduced operon expression, possibly by interacting with ribosomes that are translating the tetQ message. Fusions of tetQ with a reporter gene, uidA, were only expressed at a high level when the fusion was cloned in frame with the first six codons of tetQ. However, out of frame fusions or fusions ending at the other five codons of tetQ showed much lower expression of the uidA gene. Moreover, reverse transcription-PCR amplification of tetQ mRNA revealed that despite the fact that the uidA gene product, -glucuronidase (GUS), was produced only when the cells were exposed to TET, tetQ mRNA was produced in both the presence and absence of TET. Computer analysis of the region upstream of the tetQ start codon predicted that the mRNA in this region could form a complex RNA hairpin structure that would prevent access of ribosomes to the ribosome binding site. Mutations that abolished base pairing in the stem that formed the base of this putative hairpin structure made GUS production as high in the absence of TET as in TET-stimulated cells. Compensatory mutations that restored the hairpin structure led to a return of regulated production of GUS. Thus, the tetQ-rteA-rteB operon appears to be regulated by a translational attenuation mechanism.Many Bacteroides strains carry conjugative transposons (CTns) that are closely related to a CTn called CTnDOT (25,29,39). An interesting and unusual feature of many members of the CTnDOT family is that the antibiotic tetracycline (TET) stimulates both excision of the CTn from the chromosome and conjugal transfer of the excised element (24, 31, 34). In fact, without TET stimulation of donor cells, virtually no transfer occurs (33,38). Previous studies identified a central regulatory region on CTnDOT that is required for TET induction of transfer functions. This region contains a three-gene operon that consists of the TET resistance gene tetQ and two regulatory genes, rteA and rteB (Fig. 1) (29, 34). RteA and RteB are most closely related to the sensor and response regulator components, respectively, of two-component regulatory systems. RteA presumably activates RteB, and activated RteB stimulates the expression of a nearby gene, rteC, which is also required for expression of excision and transfer genes (32-34, 38) (Fig. 1).The regulatory cascade mediated by RteA, RteB, and RteC is not, however,...