To detect autotrophic CO2 assimilation in cell extracts of Methanococcus maripaludis, lactate dehydrogenase and NADH were added to convert pyruvate formed from autotrophically synthesized acetyl coenzyme A to lactate. The lactate produced was determined spectrophotometrically. When CO2 fixation was pulled in the direction of lactate synthesis, CO2 reduction to methane was inhibited. Bromoethanesulfonate (BES), a potent inhibitor of methanogenesis, enhanced lactate synthesis, and methyl coenzyme M inhibited it in the absence of BES. Lactate synthesis was dependent on CO2 and 112, but H2 + C02-independent synthesis was also observed.In cell extracts, the rate of lactate synthesis was about 1.2 nmol min-' mg of protein-'. When BES was added, the rate of lactate synthesis increased to 2.3 nmol min-' mg of protein-'. Because acetyl coenzyme A did not stimulate lactate synthesis, pyruvate synthase may have been the limiting activity in these assays. Radiolabel from '4CO2 was incorporated into lactate. The percentages of radiolabel in the C-1, C-2, and C-3 positions of lactate were 73, 33, and 11%, respectively. Both carbon monoxide and formaldehyde stimulated lactate synthesis. 14CH20 was specifically incorporated into the C-3 of lactate, and 14CO was incorporated into the C-1 and C-2 positions. Low concentrations of cyanide also inhibited autotrophic growth, CO dehydrogenase activity, and autotrophic lactate synthesis. These observations are in agreement with the acetogenic pathway of autotrophic CO2 assimilation.Most species of methanogenic bacteria can oxidize hydrogen and reduce carbon dioxide to methane to obtain energy for growth (26,47). In addition, about one-half of the species of methanogens which have been described are able to grow autotrophically. Nevertheless, the pathway of CO2 fixation during autotrophic growth in methanogens has not been fully established, and the carbon metabolism of only a few species has been characterized. In Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and Methanosarcina barkeri, a novel pathway of acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) synthesis from two molecules of CO2 has been proposed (16,21,29,(42)(43)(44). This pathway closely resembles the total synthesis of acetate described previously in Clostridium thermoaceticum and other anaerobic eubacteria (8,13,22,24,25,32,33,50).The acetyl-CoA pathway in C. thermoaceticum involves total synthesis of acetate from two molecules of CO2 via different routes of reduction (32, 50). One molecule of CO2 is reduced to the methyl level via the folate pathway, and the other molecule of CO2 is reduced to a bound CO residue. They are then condensed to an activated acetyl residue which is thiolized with HS-CoA. The final step of acetylCoA biosynthesis is catalyzed by CO dehydrogenase (36).In Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, acetyl-CoA is an early product of CO2 assimilation (15,17,38). Labeling studies have shown that the biosynthesis of acetyl-CoA in Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum resembles the total synthesis of acetyl-CoA from 2CO2 by acetogens....