In many organisms, there are multiple isoforms of cytoplasmic dynein heavy chains, and division of labor among the isoforms would provide a mechanism to regulate dynein function. The targeted disruption of somatic genes in Tetrahymena thermophila presents the opportunity to determine the contributions of individual dynein isoforms in a single cell that expresses multiple dynein heavy chain genes. Substantial portions of two Tetrahymena cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain genes were cloned, and their motor domains were sequenced. Tetrahymena DYH1 encodes the ubiquitous cytoplasmic dynein Dyh1, and DYH2 encodes a second cytoplasmic dynein isoform, Dyh2. The disruption of DYH1, but not DYH2, resulted in cells with two detectable defects: 1) phagocytic activity was inhibited, and 2) the cells failed to distribute their chromosomes correctly during micronuclear mitosis. In contrast, the disruption of DYH2 resulted in a loss of regulation of cell size and cell shape and in the apparent inability of the cells to repair their cortical cytoskeletons. We conclude that the two dyneins perform separate tasks in Tetrahymena.
INTRODUCTIONDynein is a molecular motor that transduces chemical energy into mechanical motion along microtubules. There are two functional classes of dynein: axonemal dynein that produces the propagated bending of cilia and of eukaryotic flagella and nonaxonemal or "cytoplasmic" dynein that performs functions other than ciliary beating. Cytoplasmic dynein is implicated in a variety of intracellular movements, including fast retrograde transport (Schroer et al., 1989;Muresan et al., 1996), slow axonal transport (Cleveland and Hoffman, 1991;Dillman et al., 1996), mediation of the trafficking of membrane-bounded organelles (Corthesy-Theulaz et al., 1992;Aniento et al., 1993;Fath et al., 1994;Oda et al., 1995;Holleran et al., 1996), the organization and separation of the bipolar mitotic spindle (Verde et al., 1991;Vaisberg et al., 1993;Saunders et al., 1995;Echeverri et al., 1996), and postmitotic nuclear migrations in yeast and filamentous fungi (Eshel et al., 1993;Li et al., 1993;Plamann et al., 1994;Xiang et al., 1994;Inoue et al., 1998).The realization that dynein performs so many different tasks and the discovery that many organisms express multiple dynein heavy chain genes lead to the hypothesis that different dynein isoforms perform different cellular tasks (reviewed in Asai, 1996). Cilia and eukaryotic flagella provide clear examples of dynein functional specialization (Piperno, 1990). The close coordination of ϳ12 distinct axonemal dynein heavy chains produces axonemal bending (e.g., Piperno and Ramanis, 1991;Mastronarde et al., 1992; reviewed in Brokaw, 1994).The functional specialization of the cytoplasmic dyneins is not well understood. All eukaryotes examined express homologues of the ubiquitous Dyh1 (also called MAP1C, cDHC1, DHC1a), and some organisms, including Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, Neurospora, and Dictyostelium, apparently have only this dynein. In the analysis of the family of dynein gen...