We consider a TeV scale resonant lepogenesis within type-I seesaw mechanism. We show that a concrete model based on A4 flavor symmetry with a scaling ansatz in the neutrino Dirac mass matrix and a retro-circulant heavy Majorana mass matrix can be realized. The full Yukawa coupling matrix Yν can be fully reconstructed from the low energy neutrino oscillations data and the quasi-degenerate heavy Majorara neutrino masses. We have carried out a detailed numerical analysis to constrain the Dirac neutrino mass matrix elements. In particular, it was found that its diagonal elements lie near or below the MeV region. Furthermore, we have investigated the allowed regions in the parameter space of the model consistent with both low energy neutrino oscillations data and resonant leptogenesis leading to the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. Finally, the model has an imperative prediction on the allowed space for the effective Majorana neutrino mass |mee| in order to account for the observed baryon asymmetry.