“…How a reader's goal or perspective influences text processing has attracted a lot of interest in reading research since the seminal study byAnderson and Pichert in 1978(e.g., Anderson, 1982; Anderson, Pichert, & Shirey, 1983; Baillet & Keenan, 1986; Borland & Flammer, 1985; Borland, Flammer, & Wearing, 1987; Flammer & Tauber, 1982; Goetz, Schallert, Reynolds, & Radin, 1983; Grabe, 1979, 1981; Kaakinen, Hyönä, & Keenan, 2001, 2002; Kardash, Royer, & Greene, 1988; Rothkopf & Billington, 1979). Anderson and Pichert (1978) asked their participants to read a text describing three houses from either a burglar's or a homebuyer's perspective and to recall the text after reading.…”