Along with the increasing use of online music platforms, catalogue-based searches have turned into mood-based seeking. In this study, we propose MooDetecTR, a semi-supervised learning framework that employs word vectors for Turkish song mood detection. In this framework, first word vectors are created through a large collection of textual data, which include more than 2.5 million Turkish documents, by using Word2Vec and GloVe algorithms. Subsequently, lyrics vectors are generated through combining already trained word vectors of the words in the lyrics selected for mood detection. Lastly, lyrics vectors are fed into various machine-learning algorithms as features to create models for music mood detection. For comparison, Turkish music mood detection is performed both via traditional bag-of-words model, with TF-IDF weights, and Doc2Vec algorithm. The effects of stemming of the words and stop-words removal on the results are investigated, as well. The best micro-f1 score (54.36%) obtained by the proposed framework is 3.81%, and 2.92% higher (7.54%, and 5.68% relative improvements) than the best score obtained from Doc2Vec and bag-of-words methods, respectively. Consequently, the results obtained show the effectiveness of incorporating word vectors generated using big textual data into Turkish text classification process, which is clearly illustrated by the improved classification performance.