Ülker, Surgery 2013, S12 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-1076.S12-007
Research ArticleOpen Access
AbstractKeyless Rope-lifting Surgery (KARS) is a novel, single incision, gasless laparoscopic surgery technique. Various operations including adnexal cyst excision, oophorectomy, diagnostic laparoscopy, tubal ligation, hysterectomy and cholecystectomy may be performed through the intra-umbilical transverse incision without using CO 2 pneumoperitoneum and thus the trocars (keyless). In KARS the abdominal cavity is accessed through the 1.5-2 cm intra-umbilical transverse incision. The anterior abdominal wall is elevated by the sutures loaded into the Veress cannula. The elevation creates room for the operations. All operations are performed through the intra-umbilical incision by using laparoscopic and/ or conventional hand instruments. Here in this paper, the KARS techniques and the preliminary results of the specific gynecological procedures are presented.