The Warta River near Poznañ (West Po land) rep re sents a me an der ing low land river mod i fied by hy dro-en gi neer ing pro jects. Re cently, two large floods oc curred dur ing the sum mer of 2010 and the win ter of 2011. Rapid re sponse sur veys were conducted to doc u ment ero sion and sed i men tary re cords of the floods (spa tial ex tent, grain size, com po si tion, grain microtextures). Fol low-up stud ies, which were con ducted dur ing the two years af ter the floods, as sessed postdepositional changes in the flood de pos its. A thick sand layer formed that ranged from an av er age of 10-15 cm (sum mer) to 30-35 cm (win ter), build ing nat u ral lev ees, side bars and cre vasse splays. The sand lay ers con sisted of fine-and me dium-grained sands that were well-sorted, fine skewed and sourced from the river chan nel. The lon ger but smaller win ter flood pro duced thicker and coarser de pos its at dif fer ent sites com pared with the sum mer flood. An or ganic-rich mud layer and al gal mats, which were short-ex ist ing, were also de tected on the floodplain. The study proved that the flood re cord on en gi neered rivers may be only in the sand bod ies near the river chan nel and their pres er va tion is mainly con trolled by their thick ness. A sin gle site may not re cord all floods, as par tic u lar events tend to leave de pos its in var i ous places.