Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of various degrees of manipulation of raw yolk on the final texture of cooked egg yolk. Hardness, cohesiveness, and springiness of cooked yolk increased as manipulation of raw yolks became more severe. All treatments were compared with a control of yolks from hard-cooked eggs. Minor disturbances, such as breaking out eggs into beakers, separating yolks from albumen, and rolling separated yolks on damp cheesecloth, caused minor changes in texture. Pouring or stirring raw yolks prior to cooking increased hardness by 5 times that of undisturbed yolks. Shaking eggs in a microbiological shaker for 5 min at 400 or 500 rpm or for 60 min at 300 rpm caused significant increases in hardness, cohesiveness, and springiness of subsequently hard-cooked yolks.In a third experiment, shell eggs were held in salt brines for up to 4 wk. The infusion of salt into the eggs altered the appearance and yolk index of raw yolks, but caused only slight changes in the texture profiles of cooked yolks. (