We propose a predictive model based on the S U(3) C ⊗S U(3) L ⊗U(1) X gauge group supplemented by the A 4 ⊗Z 3 ⊗Z 4 ⊗Z 6 ⊗Z 16 discrete group, which successfully describes the SM fermion mass and mixing pattern. The small active neutrino masses are generated via inverse seesaw mechanism with three very light Majorana neutrinos. The observed charged fermion mass hierarchy and quark mixing pattern are originated from the breaking of the Z 4 ⊗ Z 6 ⊗ Z 16 discrete group at very high scale. The obtained values for the physical observables for both quark and lepton sectors are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The model predicts a vanishing leptonic Dirac CP violating phase as well as an effective Majorana neutrino mass parameter of neutrinoless double beta decay, with values m ββ = 2 and 48 meV for the normal and the inverted neutrino mass hierarchies, respectively.Keywords: Fermion masses and mixings, Discrete flavor symmetries, 3-3-1 models, Models beyond the Standard Model.