Due to its advantageous location on the border of Jakarta and Tangerang, Tangerang Selatan is a highly developed city. In this instance, the Tangerang Selatan Department of Culture and Tourism (Dispar Tangsel) is required to use the application to assist the general public in realizing the availability of information in the Tangerang Selatan area. Twenty to twenty-five restaurants submit applications each year to the Dispar Tangsel Tourism Business Registry (TDUP). Dispar Tangsel must choose and decide on TDUP licensing priorities from among TDUP requests in order to open a restaurant. The purpose of the research is to offer recommendations to the community on food choices. Rapid application development (RAD) was used in the system's development. Additionally, the collaborative filtering technique has been employed by the decision support system to determine the amount of criteria or weight for restaurants using the weighted sum algorithm and for restaurants using cosine-based similarity algorithms. Additionally, the system design tool made use of MySQL as a database, PHP, the Codeigniter framework, and the unified modeling language (UML). The result demonstrates that the system is capable of displaying the output in accordance with the user's expectations during black box testing, which evaluates the functionality of the system based on the specifications. Collaborative filtering in SISRES can yield a significant improvement in recommendation accuracy. By collectively analyzing user preferences and behaviors, the algorithm can provide more relevant and personalized recommendations.