Searching for the ideal glass transition, we exploit the ability of glassy polymer films to explore low energy states in remarkably short time scales. We use 30 nm thick polystyrene (PS) films, which in the supercooled state basically display the bulk polymer equilibrium thermodynamics and dynamics. We show that in the glassy state, this system exhibits two mechanisms of equilibrium recovery. The faster one, active well below the kinetic glass transition temperature (Tg), allows massive enthalpy recovery. This implies that the 'fictive' temperature (T f ) reaches values as low as the predicted Kauzmann temperature (TK ) for PS. Once the thermodynamic state corresponding to T f = TK is reached, no further decrease of enthalpy is observed. This is interpreted as a signature of the ideal glass transition. PACS numbers: 64.70.pj, 65.60.+a.Glasses are a special class of materials characterized by the disordered structure of liquids and the mechanical properties of solids. The most common route to form a glass is by cooling a liquid through its melting temperature avoiding crystallization. In this case, before forming a glass, the supercooled state is explored, that is, a system in metastable equilibrium [1, 2]. A problem of extraordinary fundamental importance arises from the observation that the supercooled state exhibits second order thermodynamic properties typical of a liquid, in particular, larger than those of the crystal. Given the difference between the supercooled and crystal specific heats, Kauzmann noticed that there will be a temperature (T K ) at which the entropy of the supercooled liquid and that of the crystal would be equal [3]. Gibbs and Di Marzio [4] subsequently theorized that a second order thermodynamic transition to an ideal glass would occur. This transition would avoid that the paradoxical scenario of a disordered glass with entropy smaller than that of the crystal is realized. Investigating the intriguing scenario of a liquid with the entropy of a crystal is prevented by the occurrence of the so-called kinetic glass transition [5] transforming the supercooled liquid into a glass. Once formed, non-equilibrium glasses evolve towards the metastable equilibrium of the supercooled liquid by decreasing their energy, a well-known phenomenon addressed as physical aging or structural recovery [6].Motivated by the search for the second order thermodynamic transition (the ideal glass transition), different routes to low energy glassy states have been recently explored. One of them is the investigation of fossil glassy amber naturally aged for millions of years [7], showing fictive temperature (T f ) − i.e. the temperature corresponding to the intercept of the extrapolated glass and * †˜Charlie.Author equilibrium lines for a given glass (see Figure 1) − significantly lower than T g , the glass transition temperature. Another route, much faster, is the preparation of vapor deposited glasses which, when obtained in appropriate experimenta...