To overcome the societal and financial burden of cardiovascular disease, a thorough understanding of the molecular and cellular programmes governing cardiac and coronary vascular development is vital. Cre-mediated genetic tracing in various models has provided valuable insight into cell-lineage contribution and inductive cues required for cardiac morphogenesis. Using mouse models, we have identified the transmembrane protein Cysteine-Rich Transmembrane BMP Regulator-1 (Crim1) as an essential protein for numerous aspects of heart development. The presence of six Cysteine-Rich Repeats (CRRs) in Crim1 render it to be a versatile molecule -these have been shown to bind a wide range of growth factors when Crim1 is co-expressed in the same cell as the growth factor . The main objective of this thesis is to examine the role that Crim1 plays both temporally and spatially during heart development, and how it functions in tandem with other factors to ensure the progression of this critical process.Crim1 is strongly expressed in the proepicardium (PE), epicardium, coronary vascular smooth muscle cells and, to a weaker extent, in coronary endothelial cells .Interestingly, Crim1 mutant homozygotes die perinatally on a C57BL6 background . Loss of Crim1 function leads to a reduced ventricular size and hypoplastic ventricular compact myocardium, and abnormal epicardial morphology including blebbing and a loss of the regular, cobblestone appearance of the epicardium. Furthermore, epicardium-restricted deletion of Crim1 resulted in increased epicardial epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and invasion of the myocardium, while primary epicardial cells lacking Crim1 displayed an increased migration.Growth factors like TGFs are known to promote epicardial EMT; however, we observed a paradoxical reduction in epicardial TGF signalling in Crim1 mutant embryos. Interestingly, there appeared to be an accumulation of -catenin, a cell-adhesion molecule present at cadherindependent junctional complexes in epithelial cells, at epicardial cell-cell junctions, suggesting an interaction with Crim1 to promote stabilization of these junctions. There was also an increase in the level of phospho-ERK1/2 in the ventricular compact myocardium of mutants, though phospho-AKT levels remained unchanged. This indicates a cell-autonomous role for Crim1 in controlling epicardial migration, EMT and invasion, and a potential paracrine role in regulating myocardial development, likely through regulation of epicardium derived factors.Another notable defect observed in the absence of Crim1 is that the coronary vasculature also appears to be malformed. We found a reduction in coronary vascular endothelial cell endowment in We also sought to understand the role of Crim1 in growth factor modulation in endothelial cells in vivo. There was a decrease in phospho-SMAD1/5 activity in endothelial cells from ventricles of
Crim1Δflox/Δflox homozygotes, suggesting a dysregulation of TGFβ/BMP signalling in these cells, confirming our in vitro data. However, t...