Simple Summary: 200 words Will biology, including humans, benefit or harm from new developments in information such as artificial intelligence (AI). First, are biology and information different? Life is an ordered form that can reproduce, maybe with variation; and any ordered arrangement, biological or not, potentially contains information. There have been ordered forms since earth was just a ball of chemicals, and some such chemicals can reproduce. So biological and non-biological information might be components of a unified process, ‘PanEvolution’ or ‘Pan-Evo’, based on the same four operations for living or non-living entities - Innovation; Transmission and replication; Adaptation; and Movement. This can produce separate groups called ‘species’. In a current Panspeciation event, information held in biology - especially our brains - is moving into its own environment. Harm to biology might be minimal if humans and AI both behave intelligently, because vastly different environments are optimal for humans and machines containing AI. This would be the first speciation-like event involving humans for millennia, but will not be particularly hostile to humans, if humans learn how to evaluate information and cooperate, to minimize the effect of both human stupidity and artificial simulated stupidity (ASS – a failure of AI). Abstract: 200 words Many people wonder whether biology, including humans, will benefit or harm from new developments in information such as artificial intelligence (AI). Biological and non-biological information might be components of a unified process, ‘Pan-Evolution’ or ‘Pan-Evo’, based on four basic operations – Innovation, Transmission, Adaptation, and Movement. Pan-Evo contains many types of variable objects, from molecules to ecosystems. Biological innovation includes mutations and behavioural changes; non-biological innovation includes naturally-occuring physical innovations, and innovation in software. Replication is commonplace in and outside biology, including autocatalytic chemicals, and autonomous software replication. Adaptation includes biological selection, autocatalytic chemicals and ‘evolutionary programming’ used in AI. Extension of biological speciation to non-biological information, creates a concept called ‘Panspeciation’. Panevolution might benefit or harm biology, but harm might be minimal if AI and the humans behave intelligently, because humans, and the machines in which AI resides, might split to the vastly different environments that suit them. That is a possible example of panspeciation, and would be the first speciation event involving humans for thousands of years. This event will not be particularly hostile to humans, if humans learn to evaluate information and cooperate better, to minimize both human stupidity and artificial simulated stupidity (ASS – a failure of AI).