The recently developed weakly nonlinear theory of dynamic fracture predicts 1/r corrections to the standard asymptotic linear elastic 1/ √ r displacement-gradients, where r is measured from the tip of a tensile crack. We show that the 1/r singularity does not automatically conform with the notion of autonomy (autonomy means that any crack tip nonlinear solution is uniquely determined by the surrounding linear elastic 1/ √ r fields) and that it does not automatically satisfy the resultant Newton's equation in the crack parallel direction. We show that these two properties are interrelated and that by requiring that the resultant Newton's equation is satisfied, autonomy of the 1/r singular solution is retained. We further show that the resultant linear momentum carried by the 1/r singular fields vanishes identically. Our results, which reveal the physical and mathematical nature of the new solution, are in favorable agreement with recent near tip measurements.A weakly nonlinear theory of dynamic fracture, which extends the standard theory of fracture [1,2], was recently developed [3,4]. This theory was shown to be in excellent agreement with groundbreaking experimental measurements of the deformation near the tip of rapid cracks [3][4][5][6]. Furthermore, it may be relevant to understanding currently poorly understood crack tip instabilities [7]. In this Rapid Communication we derive a series of theoretical results that further elucidate the physical and mathematical nature of the theory.The standard approach to dynamic fracture -linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) [1, 2] -assumes that linear elasticity dominates the deformation fields outside a small region near the tip of a crack. Its major prediction is that crack tips concentrate large deformation-gradients and stresses which are characterized by a universal 1/ √ r singular behavior. Many results in this theoretical framework are derived from the latter property [1,2].The basic physical idea underlying the weakly nonlinear theory of dynamic fracture is that linear elasticity breaks down when elastic nonlinearities intervene near the tip of a crack. This is a physically intuitive idea since atomes/molecules are expected to sample reversible (i.e. elastic) anharmonic parts of the interaction potential before their separation is large enough to induce irreversible deformation (e.g. damage, plasticity and eventually fracture).To mathematically formulate this idea, we consider the following expansion of the displacement field u [3, 4]where ǫ quantifies the magnitude of the displacementgradients [3], (r, θ) is a polar coordinates system located at a crack's tip and moving with it at a speed v in the θ = 0 direction. The first order term in ǫ corresponds to linear elasticity, which is actually only a first term in a more general expansion, while the second order term corresponds to the leading nonlinearity that intervenes when the deformation is large enough. As higher order nonlinearities are neglected in Eq. (1), the theory based on it is termed "weakly nonlin...