Spectra of ~-rays following thermal neutron capture in 128Te have been measured. Partial cross section for the radiative transitions to eight 129Te levels with In=1 have been determined. The experimental data are in a very good quantitative agreement with the theory of direct capture by Lane and Lynn.The data concerning the128Te(n,~) reaction are interesting from the point of view of their detailed comparison with the prediction of the Lane-Lynn theory of capture /I/. According to this theory, mass regions around A=40 and A= 140 exhibit maxima for the cross section of the non-resonant direct neutron capture. The oecurence of these maxima is a consequence of the constructive interferenoe between amplitudes for the hardsphere and the distant level channel resonance capture. The 128Te nucleus thus lies in a favorable mass region. In addition, the recommended valuers=0.215 b /2/ for the studied reaction seems low enough to permit observation the direct capture without its masking by the compound nucleus process.The measurements were performed at the thermal neutron beam of the VVR-S reactor at Re~. The target consisted of 3g of metallic Te enriched to 98.2 % in 128Te. In order to suppress a baekgroumd of fast neutrons and y-rays from the reactor core, the neutron beam was filtered by a 30 cm long Si single-crystal. For this arrangement a gold-cadmium ratio of thermal/fast neutrons equal to about 55 was obtained. With the aim of On leave from AI