Since the beginning of 2017, Chinese Journal of Cancer has published a series of important questions in cancer research and clinical oncology to promote cancer research and accelerate collaborations. In this article, 10 questions are presented as followed. Question 76. How to develop effective therapeutics for cancer cachexia? Question 77. How can we develop preclinical animal models to recapitulate clinical situations of cancer patients for more effective anti-cancer drug development? Question 78. How can we develop novel effective therapeutics for pancreatic cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma? Question 79. What are the true beneficial mechanisms of antiangiogenic therapy in cancer patients? Question 80. How to approach the complex mechanisms of interplay among various cellular and molecular components in the tumor microenvironment? Question 81. Can tissue oxygenation improve the efficacy of conventional chemotherapy on cancer? Question 82. Can tissue oxygenation improve the efficacy of radiotherapy on digestive system tumors including liver cancer? Question 83. Can we integrate metabolic priming into multimodal management of liver cancer? Question 84. Has the limit of anti-androgen strategy in prostate cancer treatment been reached by the new generation of anti-androgen drugs? Question 85. Can we identify individuals with early-stage cancers via analyzing their clinical and non-clinical information collected from social media, shopping history, and clinical, pathological, and molecular traces?