Dedicated to Ulrich Eckern on the occasion of his 60th birthday.A three-level system with partially broken SU(3) symmetry immersed in a metal, comprised of a unique noninteracting ground state and two-fold degenerate excited states, exhibits a stable two-channel Kondo fixed point within a wide range of parameters, as has been shown in previous work. Such systems can, for instance, be realized by protons dissolved in a metal and bound in the interstitial space of the host lattice, where the degeneracy of excited rotational states is guaranteed by the space inversion symmetry of the lattice. We analyze the robustness of the 2CK fixed point with respect to a level splitting of the excited states and discuss how this may explain the behavior of the well-known dI/dV spectra measured by Ralph and Buhrman on ultrasmall quantum point contacts in a magnetic field.