We investigate the role played by curve singularity germs in the enumeration of inflection points in families of curves acquiring singular members. Let N ≥ 2, and consider an isolated complete intersection curve singularity germ f : (C N , 0) → (C N−1 , 0). We introduce a numerical function m → AD m(2) (f) that arises as an error term when counting m th -order weight-2 inflection points with ramification sequence (0, . . . , 0, 2) in a 1parameter family of curves acquiring the singularity f = 0, and we compute AD m(2) (f) for various (f, m). Particularly, for a node defined by f : (x, y) → xy, we prove that AD m(2) (xy) = m+1 4, and we deduce as a corollary that AD mfor any f, where mult 0 ∆ f is the multiplicity of the discriminant ∆ f at the origin in the deformation space. Furthermore, we show that the function m → AD m(2is an analytic invariant measuring how much the singularity "counts as" an inflection point. We obtain similar results for weight-2 inflection points with ramification sequence (0, . . . , 0, 1, 1) and for weight-1 inflection points, and we apply our results to solve various related enumerative problems.
CONTENTSANAND P. PATEL AND ASHVIN A. SWAMINATHAN 6.3. Computation of AD 2 (1,1) (f) 50 6.4. Computation of AD 3 (2) (y t − x s ) 51 6.5. Computation of AD 2 (1) (y t − x s ) 55 6.6. Computation of AD 4 (2) (y 2 − x s ) 59 6.7. Computation of AD 3 (1) (y 2 − x s ) 62 6.8.