In 2013, a catastrophic flood occurred on the Amur River, caused by heavy rainfall throughout almost the entire basin. The floodplains of Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, and Komsomolsk-on-Amur were flooded. Similar hydrological phenomena on the Amur occurred earlier (1954, 1972, and 1984), but they did not lead to catastrophic flooding. In the proposed manuscript, the authors investigated three issues: the causes of the 2013 flood, advanced hydrological forecast, and measures to prevent catastrophic flooding. For research, a hydrodynamic model of the Amur River section from Blagoveshchensk to the mouth was developed. Based on the analysis of model calculations, it was shown that some flood problems arose due to the construction of hydraulic structures in recent years (protective dams, bridges, and embankments) and a medium-term forecast scheme proposed.