The 2-halobenzoate 1,2-dioxygenase from Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia 2CBS (Fetzner, S., Mü ller, R., and Lingens, F. (1992) J. Bacteriol. 174, 279 -290) contains both a ferredoxin-type and a Rieske-type 2Fe2S center. These two significantly different 2Fe2S clusters were characterized with respect to their EPR spectra, electrochemical properties (Rieske-type cluster with g z ؍ 2.025, g y ؍ 1.91, g x ؍ 1.79, g av ؍ 1.91, E m ؍ ؊125 ؎ 10 mV; ferredoxin-type center with g z ؍ 2.05, g y ؍ 1.96, g x ؍ 1.89, g av ؍ 1.97, E m ؍ ؊200 ؎ 10 mV) and pH dependence thereof. X band electron spin echo envelope modulation and electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy was applied to study the interaction of the Rieske-type center of the 2-halobenzoate 1,2-dioxygenase with 2Fe2S clusters are usually divided into two distinct groups on the basis of their EPR spectra. The ferredoxin-type 2Fe2S centers are characterized by an average g-value of g av ϭ 1.96, whereas the so-called Rieske-type 2Fe2S centers show a pronounced g-factor anisotropy with g av ϭ 1.91.For a long time, the membership in either of the two classes was considered to be correlated with significantly different redox midpoint potentials, i.e. with an E m 1 Ͻ Ϫ400 mV for the ferredoxins and an E m Ͼ ϩ260 mV for the Rieske centers of the cytochrome bc complexes, the enzymes in which such a 2Fe2S center had been discovered (Rieske et al., 1964). The midpoint potential of the Rieske centers was supposed to arise from a different coordination of the cluster compared to ferredoxintype centers.To date, crystal structures of six 2Fe2S ferredoxins are available (Tsukihara et al., 1981;Tsutsui et al., 1983;Rypniewski et al., 1991;Sussman et al., 1989;Correll et al., 1992;Jacobson et al., 1993) showing that the iron atoms are coordinated by four cysteines and are bridged by a pair of acid-labile sulfur atoms. For the Rieske centers, no x-ray structure has been solved yet. The model of the cluster suggesting a coordination via two cysteines and two histidines is supported by 15 N Q band EN-DOR experiments on the terminal oxygenase of the phthalate dioxygenase from Pseudomonas cepacia (Gurbiel et al., 1989). Resonances in the frequency range below 10 MHz were attributed to two slightly inequivalent nitrogen nuclei from histidines interacting with one of the iron ions. The hyperfine coupling constants were claimed to be too high for only dipolar interaction postulating a covalent binding between the iron atom and the histidines. Further ENDOR, ESEEM, and extended x-ray absorption fine structure studies as well as results obtained from site-specific mutagenesis were interpreted in favor of this model (Gurbiel et al., 1991;Britt et al., 1991;Shergill and Cammack, 1994a;Powers et al., 1989;Tsang et al., 1989;Davidson et al., 1992).During recent years, the discovery of several "odd" systems weakened the clearcut E m distinction between the g av ϭ 1.91 and g av ϭ 1.96 clusters. (a) 2Fe2S clusters contained in cytochrome bc complexes involved in oxidation ...