Background: Over the past few decades, more articles have been published about wrist arthroscopy. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the 100 most cited articles about wrist arthroscopy.Methods: The 100 most cited articles were analyzed using the wrist arthroscopy as a keyword on the Web of Science database. Original articles, reviews, clinical trials, and cadaveric studies were included in the study. We recorded and analyzed the following information: Article title, first author, year of publication, journal of publication, the total number of citations, level of evidence, article language, country, institution, and the main topic of study. Results: The number of citations ranged from 35 to 180 (mean, 64.74). The total number of citations was 6,474. Among the articles examined, the most prolific country was the United States of America (USA). The Journal of Hand Surgery- American Volume was the journal with the most number of publications and the most cited articles. The main topics that were most analyzed and underlined were the diagnostic comparison of Magnetic resonanas imaging and arthroscopy and the diagnosis and treatment of triangular fibrocartilage complex.Conclusions: As a result, wrist arthroscopy continues to develop, and it is a subject that is open for new studies. More comprehensive and up-to-date randomised controlled studies comparing the benefit of wrist arthroscopy or open surgery for wrist pathologies will demonstrate the importance of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of problems related to this topic.