Recently the author has fully addressed the first two days of Genesis according to his well-developed black hole universe model (see Paper-I and Paper-II). In accordance with this new interpretation of Genesis, God first created the infinite entire universe called “earth” with matter named “water”, and light, space and time, fundamental forces and motion. Then, he hierarchically structured the entire universe by separating the matter and space with infinite layers bounded by event horizons (called “vaults”) and further formed our finite black hole universe. The efforts bridged the gap between Genesis and observations of the universe and brought us a scientific understanding of the Genesis. In this sequence study as Paper-III, we describe how God constructed the interiors of our finite black hole universe. It includes the formation of celestial objects by gathering the water or gravitationally collapsing the initial super fluidal matter under the sky or inside the even horizon of our black hole universe. These formed celestial objects could be stars and planets called dry grounds or lands, in which matter is not in the water state any more, and galaxies and clusters called, respectively, seas of stars and seas of galaxies.