“…To illustrate these conventions, we present in Figure 9 examples of two-dimensional representations of RNA motifs with tertiary interactions added+ The left panel shows the loop E of bacterial 5S rRNA from NDB file URL064 (Correll et al+, 1997)+ All bases of this symmetric "internal loop," in fact, are paired+ A104•G72 comprise a trans Hoogsteen/Sugar-edge pair+ This is designated using an open symbol (indicating the trans geometry) comprising a square, placed next to A104 (for the Hoogsteen edge), connected to a triangle, placed next to G72 (for the Sugar-edge)+ The same interaction occurs between A78 and G98, but the orientation is reversed, with the Hoogsteen base, A78, on the right+ The symbols we propose make these relationships immediately clear+ U103•A73 and U77•A99 are trans W+C+/ Hoogsteen pairs, and are indicated by open symbols comprising circles (placed next to the Us) connected to squares (placed next to the As)+ In the U103•A73 pair, the Watson-Crick base (U103) occurs on the left, whereas the situation is reversed for the U77 Fig+ 9) is the highly conserved sarcin/ricin motif (Leontis & Westhof, 1998b)+ This motif also occurs in loop E of eukaryal 5S rRNA and should not be confused with bacterial loop E+ The sequence shown is that of rat 28S rRNA, NDB file UR0002 (Correll et al+, 1998)+ The structure comprises a GAGA hairpin loop (not shown) and an asymmetric "internal loop+" The dotted arrows between C8 and A9 and between A9 and G10 indicate the local strand reversal that occurs at A9+ The positioning of A9 beneath U11 indicates the stacking between these two residues+ The "bulged" base, G10, is actually hydrogen bonded to U11 and lies in the same plane as the U11•A20 trans W+C+/Hoogsteen pair+ This is indicated by placing all three bases at the same horizontal level on the page+ The G10•U11 pair is cis Sugar-edge/ Hoogsteen whereas the G19•A12 and U7•C23 pairs are trans Sugar-edge/Hoogsteen+ Domain IV of SRP 4.5S RNA The SRP motif has been observed as the RNA alone (Jovine et al+, 2000) and in complex to SRP protein 54 Figure 8+ The loop E submotif occurs also in helix 20 of 16S rRNA (Wimberly et al+, 2000), as was predicted (Leontis & Westhof, 1998a)+ Interestingly, the G•G bifurcated pair in 16S rRNA is identical to the pair in the SRP loop (trans bifurcated as in Fig+ 8B)+…”