Abstract. We consider solutions of the one-dimensional equation −u ′′ +(Q+ λV )u = 0 where Q : R → R is locally integrable, V : R → R is integrable with supp(V ) ⊂ [0, 1], and λ ∈ R is a coupling constant. Given a family of solutions {u λ } λ∈R which satisfy u λ (x) = u 0 (x) for all x < 0, we prove that the zeros of b(λ) := W [u 0 , u λ ], the Wronskian of u 0 and u λ , form a discrete set unless V ≡ 0. Setting Q(x) := −E, one sees that a particular consequence of this result may be stated as: if the fixed energy scattering experiment −u ′′ + λV u = Eu gives rise to a reflection coefficient which vanishes on a set of couplings with an accumulation point, then V ≡ 0.