Abstract.Sufficient conditions for |/V,pn\ summability of the conjugate series of Fourier series have been obtained earlier. The author obtains here a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the result. This improves earlier results and provides a unified version of them.1. Introduction and the main results. In the present paper we shall prove a result which is directly connected with an earlier paper due to Dikshit and Kumar [3]. Unless stated otherwise we shall use throughout this paper the same definitions and notations as used in [3]. We shall also use the following additional notations: S^=1 Bn(t) denotes the conjugate series of ~2™=0A"(t); \p(t) = \{f(x + t) -f(x -t)}; and "BV [a, b]y represents the class of functions of bounded variation over [a, b].Throughout X(t) will denote a positive nondecreasing function; for n = 1,