This paper investigates the accuracy of the two available calculation algorithms of the Oncentra MasterPlan three‐dimensional treatment planning system (TPS) – the pencil beam method and collapsed‐cone convolution – in modeling the Varian enhanced dynamic wedge (EDW). Measurements were carried out for a dual high energy (6–15 MV) Varian DHX‐S linear accelerator using ionization chambers for beam axis measurements (wedge factors and depth doses), film dosimetry for off‐axis dose profiles measurements, and a diode matrix detector for two dimensional absolute dose distributions. Using both calculation algorithms, different configuration of symmetric and asymmetric fields varying the wedge's angle were tested. Accuracy of the treatment planning system was evaluated in terms of percentage differences between measured and calculated values for wedge factors, depth doses, and profiles. As far as the absolute dose distribution was concerned, the gamma index method (Low et al.
) was used with 3% and 3 mm as acceptance criteria for dose difference and distance‐to‐agreement, respectively. Wedge factors and percentage depth doses were within 1% deviation between calculated and measured values. The comparison of measured and calculated dose profiles shows that the Van Dyk's acceptance criteria (Van Dyk et al.
) are generally met; a disagreement can be noted for large wedge angles and field size limited to the low dose‐low gradient region only. The 2D absolute dose distribution analysis confirms the good accuracy of the two calculation algorithms in modeling the enhanced dynamic wedge.PACS number: 87.53.Bn,,