The validation of the probability density function (PDF) of the current at the decision circuit of an optically preamplified receiver with arbitrary optical filtering is assessed, for the first time, for tight optical filtering and considering the optical filter detuning. This assessment is performed through the analytical estimation of the PDF from the moment generating function (MGF) and by comparison with estimates using Monte Carlo simulation. An excellent agreement between PDFs is found.The influence of the optical filter shape, bandwidth and detuning on the PDF of the output current of an optically preamplified receiver with tight optical filtering is also investigated. All PDFs obtained are clearly non-Gaussian. For smaller signal powers, this non-Gaussian behavior is enhanced. The absence of a polarizer at the receiver and the narrowing of the optical filter bandwidth enhance even more this non-Gaussian behavior. The smoother cut-off of the optical filter amplitude response leads to a smaller PDF asymmetry (lower Gaussian behavior). For higher signal power, the PDF shape becomes more Gaussian and the dependence of its shape on the optical filter and on the presence/absence of a polarizer is lessened. It is also shown that the optical filter detuning influence on the non-Gaussian behavior of the PDF is very small.